
Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving and Family

This post has nothing to do with sex.

Only family drama. You are warned.

Nov 23: Arrived home around 10 am. Worst trip back ever. Fuck you megabus.
Took a nap. Had annual physical. Doctor says I'm fine, wishes me luck on my two upcoming surgeries (I'll mention that in another post).

New oven being installed in my house.  I surpurvise while my mother picks up my sister from the airport. Sister arrives, tired and crabby from traveling. Bitches at me. I ignore it.

Head over to friend's house. He and I have known each other since we were toddlers.  Our mothers are best friends. His mother invited my family over for Thanksgiving this year, my mother accepted. I help him prepare the turkey. We walk back to my house, play Smash Brothers.

Nov 24:  Get up early.  Talk with sister. Respond to text from ex-girlfriend.  Head over to friend's house again.  We make stuffing, put turkey in oven.  While turkey and stuffing are cooking, head over to other friends house. Watch the Packers rape the Lions.  Discuss football.  Head back to friend's house. Finish cooking, set table.  Families gather, food, conversation.  Another nap. Leftovers.  Head back to my house, play Smash Brothers with friend, other friend.

Nov 25:  Get up early afternoon.  Talk with father. Talk with sister.  Father, sister and I grab dinner at restaurant. Discuss recent death of aged prominent family member.  Debate family politics, argue over quality of obituaries in papers.  Take a nice drive while debating city architecture. Watch the Descendants at nearby movie theater.  Go home, write this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a normal Thanksgiving... Hope your Surgeries go well!
