
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Fall of Babylon

This past Friday was Valentine's Day, and my girlfriend drove up for the weekend, arriving late on Friday night.  Saturday evening, we decided to go dancing with friends at Babylon, the gay club we used to frequent a few years ago.  I hadn't been to Babylon since last spring - and when we got there, we were surprised to find how much the place had changed.  Just a couple years ago, Babylon was filled with shirtless gay boys dancing, almost all white colleges students between the ages of 18 and 22. Saturday night, the population was largely straight, Latino, and in their late 20s.  It was a weird shift - and I think we realized that both we and Babylon have moved on in life. 

Anyway, we were fairly drunk by the time we arrived, got drunker while we were there, danced like we were 18 again, and somehow picked up a rather bull dykeish 18 year old girl who Karla decided we needed to have  a threesome with, so we went back to my place, and I fucked both of them.

So yeah - spontaneous, drunken MFF threesome. I can now check that one off my bucket list.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Decisions, decisions

Alright, first off, the party was tonight. Saturday, Feb 1.  Not Friday night. I realized that only after I finished the blog post the other day.  Second, I am the only openly gay/bi who's played on my rugby team in the past 5 years.  Now, some of you might think "geez, what are the odds of that?" Low. Very low. Assuming that 3.5% of men are openly gay/bi, and assuming some 70 guys have played on the team in the past five years (and I say both estimates are conservative at best), and assuming being gay/bi is independent from being on the rugby team, based on a binomial distribution, there's only a 30% chance that 1 or none guys on the team are openly gay or bi.

I say this because I'm convinced one of my teammates is gay. Or bi. I say this not out of wishful thinking, but because that boy was all over me at the party. He felt me up, drunkenly, openly, obviously. I've heard rumors that he was in the closet. I've suspected him to be closeted for some time.  I dismissed those rumors and intuitions as wishful thinking. I'm not so sure now.  Do I fish him out of the closet? Is it my responsibility to do so? If I do so, and if he expresses an interest, do I fuck him? I don't know.
I'm mildly drunk, my phone doesn't work (god knows why). I'll figure this out in the morning.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Boys, Beers, and Buddies

Just got back from rock climbing with a rugby teammate of mine. About to head out to a rugby mixer.

Quick update on the boy list:

Sam- was overweight, and did not resemble his pics. Massive disappointment. He has been blocked.
Aaron - slept with him again last night. Still twinky and kinky. He's going to be a regular.
Pedro - can't believe I forgot him last time, he's back in town, I fucked him a few times last semester. Currently dating someone, but I give the relationship two weeks tops. He'll be back.
Jukin - dating someone. No idea on how long that will last.
Jordan - flaked on me again.
Andrew - flaked on me again.
Alex - still going to the gym with him three times a week.
Kyros - going to meet up with him next month.

There is plenty more, but  I don't have time now.
Hang in there folks. And if there's stuff you specifically want to know about, comment and ask. I'll get to it.

Correction: Party is tomorrow night.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I'm Back

The two people who read this blog deserve an update. Especially considering they've been waiting almost a year for one. In a nutshell.

Over the past year:
-I dumped my slave boy
-drove across the country with my best (female) friend
-spent a summer in california
-took the GRE's in anticipation of applying to grad school
-started dating my best (female) friend (open relationship)
-drove back across the country with my now-girlfriend
-starting training a new slave boy
- stopped training the new slave boy
- I went on antidepressants
- decided not to apply to grad school
-chilled in Boston over winter break
-began my last semester of undergrad

And finally, the fact you're most interested in - fucked 20 boys since I last posted, bring my current total up into between 78-90, depending on what you count as sex.

For more details of all of this, follow the jump