
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rugby Quote of the Day

"It's good to be versatile" - My Coach.

Granted, he was talking about how I know how to play every position in the pack, but my mind still went to this:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sora Aoi

Yes, I know, this is primarily a gay blog. And yes, I know, this picture is of a female.

It is? What gave it away?
But first, no one reads this blog anyways, so fuck you.  Second, I have an asian fetish. Third, holy fuck, she's hot. Those boobs are probably fake, but she has a fantastic rack all the same. Seriously, despite their massive size, they're nice and perky. Absolutely perfect.

Anyways, her name is Sora Aoi (Japanese for "Blue Sky"), and this post is just going to be a bunch of pictures of her (with links), mostly because I don't want to google search her every single time I want to jack off to her body.

If this is your type, please follow the jump. And if you're like some gays I know (ahem Nate ahem) and are disgusted by lady parts, go read another post instead.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Whores and Sluts

Woot! Provocative title!  Here's the thing:  we often refer to people as "sluts" and "whores" 1) as if it's a bad thing, and 2) without a really clear definition of what we mean. I jokingly have referred to myself as one before, and more than once have called the boys I've slept with such titles.

It never really crossed my mind as something to worry about until a couple weeks ago.  I had gone to Chicago for the early part of spring break to visit my sister, and while I was there, I remembered that Lucius was originally from Chicago and that he was likely there for spring break as well.

On March 4th, as I was headed to the airport to catch my flight, I sent him a text confirming that he was in the Chicago area.

He replied in the affirmative, but noted that he didn't recognize my phone number.
I messaged him back my "Jack - Jan 10" hoping to jog his memory.
There was a pause.

Grindr: Another Reason to Make Sweet, Sweet Love to My Iphone

For those of you who don't know, Grindr is an Iphone app that takes advantage of the Iphone's GPS capabilities to let you know who else has Grindr nearby and how far away from you they are.  Also, it lets you see a picture of them, chat with them, and see whatever information they've scribbled down on their profile.

Oh yeah, it's also advertised as a way to "Find Gay, Bi, Curious guys nearby."  Pretty much it's an easy way to hookup.

Now, I haven't used Grindr much, largely because I got an Iphone all of two weeks ago. However, I did use it a couple nights ago.

To read this story, follow the jump:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Liam's Mistake, Part 5

Since sadistic fiction is always more interesting than real life...

Usual disclaimer applies: everyone is fictional, none of this happened, rape is bad, yadda, yadda, yadda. Don't read it if you don't want to.
There is a surprisingly lack of good bondage online. But I stole this from here.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sleeping with Friends, part 2

First, I know, I haven't updated the blog in a month.  I apologize for my inconsistency, but, in my defense, I have a life.

That said, as way of apology, have this boy:
Unapologetically stolen from this tumblr.
But now for the real reason that you're here: to listen to my rambling tales about awkward sexual encounters.  That's not why you're here? Too bad. That's what you're getting.

I met Kevin the summer I turned 16.  We spent the summer interning together doing robotics research.  At the time, he was pony tail, goatee, and black shirt wearing part time hacker, full time nerd.  We got along well that summer and stayed in touch after the summer was over, largely because we shared a mutual interest in robotics.  After high school, he went to a college in my hometown for a year before transferring to a college in the town where I go to school.  Conveniently enough, the house he and his roommates rented was actually closer to my college than to his, so we spent time hanging out during the brief periods when we were both free.

One fine November day, we were talking on Facebook chat about life, the universe, and everything where he brought up that ever since he broke up with his girlfriend, he's been tempted to experiment with his sexuality.  I paused, then asked "are you making a pass at me?"

To read more of this fascinating tale, follow the jump: