
Monday, March 28, 2011

Whores and Sluts

Woot! Provocative title!  Here's the thing:  we often refer to people as "sluts" and "whores" 1) as if it's a bad thing, and 2) without a really clear definition of what we mean. I jokingly have referred to myself as one before, and more than once have called the boys I've slept with such titles.

It never really crossed my mind as something to worry about until a couple weeks ago.  I had gone to Chicago for the early part of spring break to visit my sister, and while I was there, I remembered that Lucius was originally from Chicago and that he was likely there for spring break as well.

On March 4th, as I was headed to the airport to catch my flight, I sent him a text confirming that he was in the Chicago area.

He replied in the affirmative, but noted that he didn't recognize my phone number.
I messaged him back my "Jack - Jan 10" hoping to jog his memory.
There was a pause.

The next message from him was something along the lines of "I'm sorry. Please don't text me anymore, I don't want to be a slut."  What followed was about four or five rambling texts saying "it wasn't you," and "struggling with personal issues," and finally, ending with "if it's any consolation, you're going to make someone very happy with that cock some day."

Well, yes, it was some consolation. Hearing my dick being flattered improves almost any day.  But that wasn't going to get me laid, now was it?

I have a few hypotheses on why Lucius' reaction was like it was.  First, he had only come out less than a year ago.  He had been a virgin only a few months before.  A lot of - maybe even most- gay and bi guys are total sluts immediately after they come out.  This isn't to disparage men who like men, it's just that after a lifetime of repression or hiding, to suddenly be free is exhilirating. And to be suddenly in a world filled with hot guys who you can flirt with and tease and get naked with and even fuck, well, it's overwhelming. The temptation to fulfill every wanton desire is very powerful.

However, for some, in the attempt to slake their thirst, they almost drown.  A man who has crossed a desert to find a lake may dive in with no regards to the consequences.  So, for some, after a brief period (brief being relative here, maybe 4 to 8 months) of total slutiness, they might come to regret several or most of their actions, and then just withdraw from sex for awhile. This is my primary hypothesis for what happened to Lucius.

My secondary hypothesis is an amalgamation of several different hypotheses, most of them involving Lucius thinking that I'm not hot, or finding me creepy, or just never wanting to see me again for some other reason and thus telling me to fuck off, but not wanting to be so blunt about it.  It's a possibility, but I suspect that it's unlikely.

Now, some may object to my use of the terms "sluts" and "whores," as if they're somehow degrading. And often, they are used to degrade others. But I like the terms, they're excellent short hand for describing someone particularly promiscuous and horny, and those are the sort of people I tend to enjoy.  If someone doesn't wish to be called a slut, they shouldn't be promiscuous and horny. And if someone is promiscuous and horny, and proud of it, they should proudly bear the label slut.

I am a slut. Not a particularly active slut, I average one sexual encounter every two weeks (give or take, it may be more infrequent than that), but a slut nonetheless.  And I'm kinda proud of it. I like sex. It's fun. I tend to be horny. That's just me. So what?

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