
Friday, January 31, 2014

Boys, Beers, and Buddies

Just got back from rock climbing with a rugby teammate of mine. About to head out to a rugby mixer.

Quick update on the boy list:

Sam- was overweight, and did not resemble his pics. Massive disappointment. He has been blocked.
Aaron - slept with him again last night. Still twinky and kinky. He's going to be a regular.
Pedro - can't believe I forgot him last time, he's back in town, I fucked him a few times last semester. Currently dating someone, but I give the relationship two weeks tops. He'll be back.
Jukin - dating someone. No idea on how long that will last.
Jordan - flaked on me again.
Andrew - flaked on me again.
Alex - still going to the gym with him three times a week.
Kyros - going to meet up with him next month.

There is plenty more, but  I don't have time now.
Hang in there folks. And if there's stuff you specifically want to know about, comment and ask. I'll get to it.

Correction: Party is tomorrow night.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I'm Back

The two people who read this blog deserve an update. Especially considering they've been waiting almost a year for one. In a nutshell.

Over the past year:
-I dumped my slave boy
-drove across the country with my best (female) friend
-spent a summer in california
-took the GRE's in anticipation of applying to grad school
-started dating my best (female) friend (open relationship)
-drove back across the country with my now-girlfriend
-starting training a new slave boy
- stopped training the new slave boy
- I went on antidepressants
- decided not to apply to grad school
-chilled in Boston over winter break
-began my last semester of undergrad

And finally, the fact you're most interested in - fucked 20 boys since I last posted, bring my current total up into between 78-90, depending on what you count as sex.

For more details of all of this, follow the jump