
Sunday, April 22, 2012


Is mud, blood, sweat, and rain
Hard hits, cleats slipping in the grass and mud
Arms wrapped around my legs, bringing me down.
On my back, a cleat plants itself on my elbow, digging into the flesh
I'm back up, sweat and rain blinding me as I dive into a tackle
a sudden flash of pain above my right eye, someone's knee connected with my eyebrow
I stumble, holding my head, but I'm back in the thick of things
Hitting, rucking, tackling, running
He has a breakaway, but I'm on his heels
I dive.
My shoulder connects, the hit is good.
The world explodes into light and pain.
I'm on the ground, crumpled in the mud, holding the left side of my head
I taste blood, realize it's mine.
The world sways as I find my feet
It continues to rock back and forth as I stumble off the field
the medics swirl around me, ask me questions
I spit out a broken bit of tooth, and answer
"It's game day, Saturday, April 21st, 2012"
"I feel good, I'm not nauseous, just a bit dizzy"
My eyes follow the medic's finger, left, right, up, down
My airway's clear, my neck can turn in all the right ways
I'm alive.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Update on Liam

For those of you who were wondering, I haven't been working on Liam's Mistake in a long time. My bad.

But what most of you don't know is Liam is based on a real person.  Much like the fictional character, he's an Asian boy 2 years younger than me. He's also very cute and loves being tied up.  Sadly, he and I are in different cities these days, and we rarely get the chance to talk to each other.

So, it was with great surprise and pleasure last Friday when I got a message from him on skype:
"wanna meet boyfriend?"

I immediately replied
"You have a boyfriend now?
is he cute?"

he's more hunky and hawt :3"

At that point we video called.  He was over at his boyfriend's place, and the two of them were snuggled up together.  It was adorable.  Anyway, we had a good chat catching up.

The shocking thing was they haven't done anything kinky, which is crazy because Liam loves being tied up.  So, I teased Liam a bit, telling some old stories as Liam buried his face in his hands and shook his head in embarrassment. Later, when Liam had left the room, I told his boyfriend exactly what Liam likes, and I saw that horny, predatory gaze come into his boyfriend's eyes. Which is good.

My guess is by next Friday Liam will have some fresh rope burns, which he badly needs.