
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Perils of Penis Measurement (Aka more than you ever wanted to know about my penis)

Guys are obsessed by their size, especially in comparison to others. Or at least it seems that way in the gay community.  You can stop any gay man on the street and ask how big his penis is, and he'll tell you down to the inch.

Unfortunately, it appears that everyone really sucks at measuring.
It's called a tape measure. Use it.

My cock is big. I know this because I've slept with 21 guys and my cock has been bigger than theirs every single time.  So, for the benefit of the world, I carefully measured my cock.  Actually, more specifically, Joe measured my cock while I was tied up and rock hard (though that's an entirely different story).  He reported it to be 7.25 inches long and 6.25 inches circumference.

Now, most of you readers are probably going "That's not a big cock. Hell, I've slept with guys who are 8 or 9 inches. Even I'm bigger than that."  My response to that is: no, you're probably not, and chances are guys who told you their cocks were 8 inches are probably lying.

For example, I was stalking Alex's blog the other day (if you've slept with me, and you keep a blog where you keep posting naked pictures of yourself, chances are I'll stalk it), and he remarked that his cock is 8 inches.

It's not.

I've had that cock in my mouth, I've had rubbing against my cock, I've had it in my hand. I know that cock. And that cock is at best equal in length to mine, but probably shorter, and much, much thinner.

Now, it's a very nice cock, and seven inches or six and a half inches is very respectable, but it's not 8 inches. And saying that it's 8 inches is a lie.

So what is the average length of a penis? According to wikipedia's selection of studies, it's somewhere between 5 inches and 6.3 inches while erect.  To put it another way, only one in ten or one in twenty men have penises longer than 7 inches [1].  An 8 inch penis is a literally one in a hundred occurrence.

Same thing with girth.  Wikipedia reports "found an average of 12.63 cm (4.972 inches) with a standard deviation of 1.3 cm (0.5 in)." [2]  So, for my 6.25 inch thick cock, I'm two and a half standard deviations above the mean.

Which means that my penis is longer than about 95% of other penises and thicker than 99% of penises. This gave me a bit of trouble when I originally joined sites like A4A and Manhunt.  You see, the majority of users there post their penis size as between 7 and 8 inches, which means that only the 2% most endowed gay men in the world are looking for sex online, or that 90% of them are all lying bastards.  So, what was I to do?  Simple, post a picture.
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is my cock. And my giant balls.

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